Hello~ How's everyone doin'? Hope you're having nice weekend. As for me, I wanted to wash my car... but looks like I've ran out of car wash soap, also looking at the outside weather, it's not looking good. It's sad that I couldn't wash my car, but I'm happy at the same time that I didn't wash my car. lol
OH! I forgot to close my sunroof brb... K, it's not raining, but looks like it's going to rain soon.
First start, I wanna thank all the friends that comments and support on my last drawing. I was surprised of all the comments I've received. Also I was surprised that that pic was in top 10 Fan Art section.
Now, for next challenge, I'll be doin'
Sportin' it
Clash of the Gods!!!
Vocaloid Covers
Make a VOCALOID!!!
Gundam vs Macross
Your OC and Friendship
...now don't get me wrong. I AM NOT DOING ALL OF EM!!! BUT I'll be doin' Ten-chan's card challenge for sure. I have never made an ecard, so it'll be good challenge for me. As for other challenge, if time let me, I'll try to do em... so if I didn't, sorry (to creator).
Anyways, my friend ask to me go watch Orphan (Movie, not the anime series) tonight at the dollar theater, but I didn't feels like scary movie so declined the offer. I'm pretty sure I'll watch it (soon or later), but not tonight.
So what am I gonna do then? CLEANING MY ROOM!!!! I have been procrastinating for month (not day, not week, but MONTH). Looking at it makes me mad, so I'll be cleaning it up! I would take Before and After pic, but it's bit (no, bit is wrong word, Extremely) dirty, so sorry.
Well, looks like dryer is done, so I'll be doing another load of laundry. Hm... I need to shave too, I'm looking like Bunta (Initial D). lol anyways, have nice weekend everyone.