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Hello~ how's everyone enjoyin' the Sunday? Relaxin'? Studyin' ofr tomorrow's test? Catch up on your sleep? All in all enjoy much as you can.

So how's anime life for you all? Watching new series or maybe old school series? As for me, I'm watchin' both new and old... but I wanna talk bout Kampfer. Any of you watching that series? It kinda reminds me of Sekirei, Ikkitousen & all other fan service anime. My fav chara is Chissoku Inu... but it's just a stuffed animal, so I decided to go with Sangou Shizuka (pic on the top). IDK, maybe cuz of Tsundere? Or I just like those High Pride Princess chara...? lol Anyways, watchin' this series you'll see that she's tryin' get main chara's attention... but main chara (Natsuru) is seriously dense. I kinda want her to end up like this...
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But I'm pretty sure it's not goin' to be happy ending for her... T-T

Speakin' of not happy endin'. There's another anime, Nyan Koi! and my fav on that series is Sumiyoshi Kanako. In the first she show up in the series, she had freaky make-up, but when she took it off and have her natural face... man! She is my type. lol Not too fan of her extremely big melons, but her personality... just right. lol
Hm? Don't know who I'm talkin' bout? Her...
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Right now, I was started on one drawin' (Princess) & workin' on another one (Miku)... I gonna pause those two and I want to draw Shizuku or Kanako. I haven't decide. Hopefully buy next week or so, I can show the rough drawin' of either one.

Anyways, I'm getting hungry, so I gonna make something to eat. What to eat, clam chowder sounds good. Tonight been cold, so it should be nice.
