Hello~! How's everyone doin'? Hope good. As for me, I'm bit under the weather (mentally and not physically). Why? Cuz I took week of vacation, but weather isn't looking good. Yesterday was raining like mad and today it was sunny... but outside is freezing cold!!
So anyone bought FFXIII? How you like it? If you haven't bought it yet, it worth buying! I have the JP ver, so I haven't heard the how dubbing is, but game play is pretty awesome! Some of you read my review of this game, so I'm not go into detail.
Recently, I've been downloading old Gundam series. Like ZZ Gundam, Turn A Gundam, Victory Gundam. Man, each series is 10gb plus! Why am I DL it? Well, my friend requested me to DL it (cuz I know few places that has it) and I also don't have it in my Animes I own, so I thought to do it. Currently I have bout 41gb of Gundam series I have DL this week. Prob end of this week, it'll double the number. lol
As for the project, working on it lil by lil between dl the gundam series. One is/hopefully it'll be done tomorrow and UL it here by tomorrow night. Other one... IDK lol
Last night, I went to the Subie meet, which I haven't been this year. It was pretty fun. It was amazed with how many ppl showed up. We ate and chat around bout hr plus and left, but there gonna be another one in April (iirc it's on 24th?).
Well, that's it for today and hopefully I'll UL the project tomorrow and hopefully update my theme too. I think, I had this theme for long time. Well hope everyone has nice rest of the week.