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Hello~! How's everyone doin'? How's the weather? Is it nice? As for me, doin' pretty good. As for the weather it's still snowin' half of the day.

Today, I've started working out again! I got bit fat, so I need to prep for summer and need to loose all the fat I have. Summer time, I have no problem workin' out... winter time, I don't have any energy to do anything. lol Spring is here, so need to prepare to summer's soccer time.

So here's the pic of where I workout

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I use my work's gym. They have enough machines I need to do full workout. I'll probably be working out 2~3 times a week. Dividing up the area of muscles.

Here's pic of me

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Sorry for the crappy pic. As you can see, I have taken it w my phone, so it's not the greatest pic. lol FYI, that t-shirt is big on me, so I look more fat. That's my excuse. Seriously, I'm not that fat. lol

Anyways, I'll be working out again on Thursday, so see how it goes.

Hope everyone has nice rest of the week. I know, I will. It's payday week! Yay~
