lil under the weather...

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Hello~ how's everyone doin'? Enjoying the summer break? As for me, enjoying my 2 week vacation. I won't have any more break til mid Aug, so I'm relaxing much as I can.

Last week, I went to Boarders to meet up w few of my friends to hang out. I also wanted to read some car mags, went there 20 mins early so I have time to read few articles. While I was grabbing some car mags, I found some digital art mags and thought there might be good example to help me get some ideas. While I was flipping through the pages and saw how amazing all the drawing on the mags. I'm not talkin' bout "Oh wow, that's cool", but more like "Holly crap! Someone really did this w same programs that I have?" result of going through 2 mags of digital art mags... my courage/pride and everything w art were completely shatter in pieces. Yes, I know there are millions and billions of artist in this world that is 100x, 200x, 1,000x better than me, but to see those pics on mag instead of online was... felt like completely defeated (to who? idk). I, myself have won several awards through my life time. I'm not making any excuses or anything, but I haven't actually really work hard on drawing for long time, so my drawing skills need to get back in shape. Currently practicing several tricks which were shown on the mags. I wouldn't say my drawing skill improved (didn't expect to improve in few days). I'm not sure when my next drawing gonna be UL, so see how it goes.

Anyways, I better prep to make some dinner. Hope everyone has nice rest of Memorial Day~
