... in the rain

Hello~ long time no hear from me. lol How's everyone doin'? How's the weather over there? As for here, it rained... but it's sunny and now raining lil bit again.

Anyways, it's gonna be another quick update from me.

Currently I want to enter one of the challenge... but I'm still in debate to enter or not. If I do enter, I gotta start work on it ASAP!

Been busy w a lot of stuff. Hopefully mid of Sept, it'll slow down. Still am playing soccer and will be playing today (in hr or so).
Sorry, got hungry so made some Yakisoba~. I think, I put too much sauce, o'well

Gotta get ready for soccer soon. Yes, we'll be playing in the rain! lol Anyways, hope everyone have good rest of the weekend.
