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Hello~ long time no hear from me. I haven't been here cuz of not loading and it lags... but mostly I've been busy with work and GT5. lol so lil by lil I'll update

Gran Turismo 5

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I've been playing that game like mad! when I'm not working, I was playing that game. iirc I'm 73% finish w that game (so the game tells me)... but I still have over 60% of trophies to get, so I gotta work on it... but it's not easy. It sure is time consuming for sure. Online racing w friends are always fun.

Next Tales

For next news, if you're Tales series fan and own PS3 and it's happy news. Next Tales series is called Tales of Xillia and it's going to come out on PS3. I'm somewhat of Tales fan, but not too much, so I'll wait and see how this come goes.

Eating Contest

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About every break, few of my friends and I have eating contests. What kind of eating contests? Like who can eat the fastest fries, how many pizza slice you can eat, or how many how wings can you eat in 15 mins and so on. This time was Pancake. We had 10mins to eat much pancakes as possible. How many do you think you can eat in 10mins? Pancakes were bout 4~7inches big. 5? 10? or maybe 20? I, myself only could eat bout 8 pancakes in 10mins. You might be thinking "Only 8? I can eat more than that!"... if you think so, you can try, but after 6th pancake, syrup get to you and you get so sick of eating the pancakes. Winner of that contest was my friend Alan and ate 10 pancakes. In the pic there's 72 pancakes... yes we made em all.

Alright, I don't wanna overload too much info at once, so I'll stop for now. Looks like this site is back to normal, so I should be back often to write more and upload more pics (hopefully). Hope you have nice day~
