Hello~ how's everyone doin'? As for me, I'm stil in pain (from the accident), but feeling a lot better. Alright, I have 2 hrs to write this blog... and no, I won't make this long blog (like last time).
Just sucks... Yesterday was nice warm weather and now, outside is gray and freezing cold. I want Spring already!
Valkyria Chronicle 3
Right now, I'm debating to buy JP ver of Valkryia Chronicle 3... Reason why I want it in JP ver was cuz Valkyria Chronicle series always have great VA! From first one til now (3rd series). Just negative part of buying the JP ver is the price... I'm looking around $65~$90. I need to pay the deductible for my car repair ($500) plus all other stuff. Hm... idk what to do.
Jay Sean
IDK why, but Jay Sean songs have been stuck to my head. Specially Down is playing in my head over and over. Ah~ I need to listen to other music to get this song off my head. lol
Haven't worked on the drawing for few days. 1) due to my neck pain & 2) busy with work stuff... BUT I wanna restart again next week. I might post WIP later this week to keep me motivated.
Alright, that's it for me (only took 20mins). I'll try to update much as I can and upload much of my project too!