I've been bit busy with a lot of things has happened around here. So, let's break it down into 3 topics shell we?
1. Tuning
In last post, I've talk about going into racing world. That progress is going somewhat good. Buying parts that I need to pass the safety and etc. By all means, parts aren't cheap at all. Look it this way. For one racing seat, I'm looking around $800~$1,500! Just saving some lunch money to buy parts I need. Sadly, grand total of money, I'll be expecting to spend to prep my car is $2,500~$5,000 just for basic stuff. That doesn't include entering fee, register fee, and etc that I'll be seeing around.....
It's bit head-etch thinking about, but at the same time I am excited about it.
2. Soccer
Every year, our work place has played soccer in summer. Now, it's starting again this year..... Well, it's going to start next friday. Yeah~! But at the same time... Nay~! Yeah cuz, I love playing any sports. Baseball, Soccer, Tennis, Football, Basketball, Golf, volleyball, you name it I can play it (I can play, but not the greatest). I love working my body. Now, I feel great playing sports..... But I don't feel great next day for sure! Last year, my whole body's muscle was in pain, I thought I rather die. LOL
Well, I'll try not to over do it this year.
3. Arts
Yes, I haven't work on drawing for lil while now. I'll try to get into that ASAP!
LOL, last topic was bit short, but it's a topic for sure. Well, everyone has great ID4 now~~~~~!