Page 04

Finally finish editing page 04~~~! Now, let's get to the main point you're reading this blog. Which is chara name "Jon" or "Uncle Jon" which ever you wanna call him.

First thing first! I made this manga on my real dream I had. All the chara do in this story is true (except little girl: Naomi, cuz I don't have a kid! I'm still single!). I wasn't planning to UL to the web at all. Just show it to my friends, so most of my friends knew who Jon is.

Jon is real person. I know him since I was 14, so about 10~11 years I know him. I went to same Jr. High, different High School, and same college. He's like my little brother to me. So the little girl: Naomi calling him "Uncle Jon" would be correct.

Now, for Auntie Jenny..... To be continue in Page 08.
