So, few days of slumps. Today, I was working on K-Angel's (Angel-Zakuro) request "Neko-Mimi Mihashi". So working on for while with mouse and I guess, I got so use to mouse now, I'm doing pretty well! So I thought, give you, guys some preview how's the progress is going.
I didn't want to show all of 'em. But won't be too fun. LOL Right now, I'm on the coloring and shading. Sat. I'll be working on BG and other detailing. Sadly tomorrow, due to Soccer and other crazy stuff, I won't be touching PS (PhotoShop). Planning to finish it by this weekend (Hopefully).
Megabis is getting some help by my friend for some lil Pokemon advise. So, Megabis is on the "lil break" might be right word. BUT For surety, I'll be working on it!