Whole day I was craving something sweet..... And about 3 hrs of work, work main system went to melt down (so they said), and can't really work til part comes in (which is til monday).
So I came home and made this simple dessert!
Level of Hardness: Mid
K, here is the ingredient:
Strawberry Cake Mix
Jellow Mix
Ice Cream
Chocolate S
1) Bake a strawberry cake.
2) While you're waiting for the cake, start making Jellow. while mixing the powder, mix Strawberry & Blueberry to bring out the fruit's natural sweet taste in the Jellow.
*Note* Make sure to wash & cut the Strawberry into smaller pieces, so it's easy to eat.
3) Put the jellow in the frig to make it into shape.
4) After cake is done, let it cool off. After that, cut into 3"x3" to make it simple to eat.
5) Put the cake on center of plate, around the cake is Jellow, then top is Ice Cream! For an options, you can add Chocolate syrup.
*Note* When Jellow is done, mix it up so it's unique.
6)now for the important part! EAT~~~!
This is how it came out to be....