Fact about me....?

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Here's lil fun. List of something that you guys might not know about me..... BUT there gonna 1 that is a lie! Can you guess which one? Here I go~~~~!

1. Born in Tokyo, Japan, BUT only lived there for 2 weeks and move to Kyoushu, Japan.
2. Due to accident, I don't have memory of 12 yrs or younger age.
3. I am the oldest of 3.
4. In US, I've lived in California, Utah, & Hawaii.
5. Every 10 sec, I'm thinking about cars.
6. Top 3, fav food is Okonomiyaki, Tonkotsu Ramen, & Sushi.
7. All 3 yrs of Jr High, I went to different Jr High.
8. I have won a contest in high school for painting and that painting is still hanging on the hall way of school.
9. Top 3, fav colors are Bloody Red, Sky Blue, Nightmare Black.
10. My height is 5'10~11'
11. Fav fruit is Strawberry
12. While watching "Grave of the Fireflies" I cried.
13. I took over 10 different Martial Arts & received a Black belt/Gold Sash/Medal/Certificate.
14. I use to play soccer for 6 yrs.
15. Top 3, fav animals are Penguin, Wolf, & Dog.
16. I own over 200 different animes.
17. Without a wristwatch, I feel naked.
18. I'm always wearing Silver necklace.
19. Vegetable that I dislike are Cauliflower & Egg Plant.
20. I've never finish Final Fantasy 7.
21. I've received a badge for "Sharp Shooter" in an Army.
22. My first job never was an assistant manger for Little Caesar.
23. My fav number is 5
24. When I was in High School, I worked at Panda Express for 6 month.
25. My first car I owned was '97 Nissan Altima.
26. I've read the Bible cover to cover twice.
27. My fav season is Summer.
28. I don't like to use Red Pen/Pencil to write.
29. For my 19th B-day my friend gave me a Bowling Pin for a gift.
30. I drive a '00 Subaru Impreza 2.5RS.

Now, I didn't want to go too far down the list. Now you have 3.33% chance of figuring out, which one is a lie...... Can you tell?
