Gonna be long week

Hi everyone~~~! Sorry, I've been gone for a while.... I've been so busy that I couldn't even breath! Sadly, it's gonna be really busy week is coming up for me here.....

Well as for translating the movie "Gake no Ue no Ponyo" went well. now the Movie editor will add those subbing in and etc. From my friends info, they're planning to show it big screen at local mini theater.

It's nice to help friends out.... But do to lack of sleep, I did so horrible on the test (T-T). Report & Paper went well, I was hoping to get bit more better score, but can't complain too much.

This week has another test and another project due.... To make it worse both of them is do same time~~~~! Just kill me... LOL

Anyways, I need to go bed, so I can hit up a museum tomorrow morning to start writing on the report which is due Wed.

Also tomorrow is the last day to enter the contests that I've entered, so I need to finish it up and DL! A lot of things to do in so little time. I guess, that's what makes life interesting, right?

Well, before I hit the bed, my friend sent me another pic that was bit gross and funny at the same time. Enjoy.

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