Hi~~~! How's everyone's week going for ya? As for me... I guess, you can say "Sucks" and "Awesome" at the same time. LOL
Why? Let's start with "Sucks" first. As few people know that, I work at the Library as one of my part time job. More detail, in Library System there are mainly 3 areas. Check in the books, Check out the books to Patrons, and Shelve the books. I use to Check in the books, but I've been promoted and now Check out books to Patrons, plus take care problem patrons. So I don't do much of Checking in the books, BUT my department's Manager and Assistant Manager thought it'll be awesome to make a race, who can check in the book fastest. Back then, I use to checking in the books and I was one of the fastest... But that was 2 years ago. My skills haven't gone down, but new co-worker haven't seen it. There are 3 areas of checking in in the race: Inside book bin, Outside book bin, & hold box. So all the newbies teasing me that I can't beat their fastest time: Inside book bin - 15mins 32secs and Outside book bin - 27mins 28sec. So I hold them that I can beat their time even give a 1 min add to my total time. My result were: Inside Book bin: 11mins 00sec and Outside book bin: 22mins 01sec.
Now, from doing that time attack, my back is killing me~~~. Now that was the sucky part.
as for "Awesome" part. recently my car was miss firing. So I check under the hood and see that I was missing a one bolt in the header. So went to Auto-Zone and got new bolt. Simple... But last night, I notice that my car was still miss firing, so I went down again and see what's going on... and found this!
It's a radiator fluid! I check the hoses and see if there were any crack... No luck. That means Head Gasket fail on me... So that mean, I need to take out the whole engine out, and take all the engine in pieces and get new seals and gaskets! That means.... A lot of time spending with my car!!!, sorry I'm just car-holic. It's a lot of pain, but a lot of fun for me. Just only thing, I'm hating is, it's gonna cost me a bit of money (around $100~$300). So that's the down part, but o'well.
As for new anime series. I haven't had a time to watch any, due to a BIG report I need to do this week... But if everything is over! I'll post new anime series!!!