Preview of New Project

Hi! How's everyone doing? Hope everything is going well for ya. It's been pretty busy around here... My professors don't like student to have Relax Time, so give us a lot of assignment...

In Humanity class, learning about Genocide, specially in Rwanda. So watching few documentary, few movies, and books to help me write a report on this... But man, it's pretty grossome stuff! If ppl didn't know, Genocide in Rwanda lasted 100 days. In 100 days, about 800,000 people got murdered. That's... 8,000 a day! That's a hellova number!!!

I was getting sick of watching dead bodies (watch over 6 hrs), also it's my mother's B-Day! Doc told her to stay away from the public for an while (due to sickness). She was craving for Chinese food, so we bought some Chinese food and ate at home! It's was pretty simple, but nice B-Day.

Anyways, let's get to the main topic! My new drawing I'm working on! This is for a Contest, it's almost done.... I just need to edit the BG and DONE... But, due to my laziness, I haven't finished it! BUT I will finish it by due date!!!!!

Here's is the bit of teaser for it.
External Image
Yes, it's 200x!!! It's only a small portion of pic...

Anyways, I need to go back and search for some good BG to use for this drawing! Hope everyone has good weekend!
