Hello~~! How's everyone's weekend is going for ya? As for me, I forgot to do one report... NO~~~~~!!!! I need to e-mail my prof if I can take the online poetry reading for the report...
Anyways, back to my today's crazy life (well not really crazy).
Start off with my pet Sakura (Shi-Tsu) waking me up with few jabs in my face. Finishing me up with drop kick to my stomach (ding, ding, ding, K.O!). From there, clean my room (I was pretty amazed that how dirty it got in 2 weeks).
Just gonna skip the boring parts and get to the main dish here. So tonight, me and few of my friends and co-worker that eating contest~~~! We had few in the past... Noodles, Skittles, French Fries, Ramen and now a Hot Wings! So we decided that how many you can eat in 10 mins!!! How many can you eat How wing in 10 mins? 10? 20? Maybe 30? Cuz, How Wings are fairly small, prob gonna go through pretty quick... Which, I was think... I was wrong! I could only eat 17 & 1/2 in 10 mins! Man! Those wings were spicy.. and a lots of fat was on that! after eating 11 of em, man! It was killing me! But I still had 4 more mins and ppl were still eating and I didn't want to loose...
End result... I took first place just by eating 1/2 more wing than my friend Alan... But man, I regret eating that 1/2 of wing... I don't think, I can eat another Hot Wing for a while...
Speaking of First place. I won the Harvest Moon contest! Thank you to all the friends that were cheering! I'm really happy that I won! I thought, there were a lot of other good drawing, but I guess getting chase by Angry Panda was the hitter! LOL Again, thank you to all the friends cheering!
Also~~! Sorry, this blog is getting long. I want to thanks Ten-Chan (Ten = Tenshi = Angel = Angel Zakuro) for the awesome avi she made for me!!!!! It's totally awesome!!! I'm not fan of changing avi, much cuz I'm both Lazy & Picky. I'm too lazy to make it, but at the same it I'm picky about what kind of avi, I wanna use!
My last avi was Ikki, cuz he had my hair style and I like how he looked (not the personality), but recently I like to Lovely Complex manga and got hooked on Risa Koizumi and Atsushi Ootani comedy. Now, my avi is Ootani! Again thank you for making me a special avi for me!!! I really like how it turned out!!!
Next time, I'll post more new anime series... a long with finished drawing! Til then 良い夜を! (Have nice night!)