Finished one~~~

It's freezing here~~~~~~! brr.
Anyways, how's everyone doing? Studying for Midterm or Finals? I am! I was happy with online test I took today! I got 93%!! It was hard and I was expecting low grade... But I got it!

Anyways, I finished the drawing! I had hard time drawing girls clothes. In the end, I think it turned out like school uniform. LOL

All in all, I give myself a B- on that drawing. Why? there are few reasons.
1) Shades: I wasn't happy with the shades. Believe it or not, that is my 6th tried shades.
2) Fashion: I couldn't make girl clothes cute as I wanted to.
3) Face: This one was 2nd hardest part I had. Over and Over again drawing... But just couldn't make the mouth in correct place.
All those reason, I give B-. I'm somewhat satisfy with that score... But at the same time, I'm sad. Cuz, Silvia is my 2nd fav name for girls. #1 is Fiona... But that's not the point. I'm planning to make more Silvia/Sil drawing. I'm pretty sure, next time, Sil gonna come back with Fiona! So wait for next Fio/Sil drawing~~! LOL

Oh here's the drawing I've entered.
External Image

Oh! One more thing! If you have chance to check out my new drawing, IF you can try see it in High Res. It's bit big, so it looks blur. When you see it in High Res, it's more clear and more better. I promise.
