Alright! Miracle enough, I've finish 2 drawings! Yeah~ for me.
Well little BG on them. Fiona & Silvia was the teaser that saw on last blog. While I was working on that, I was looking through all my past drawing for reference, I found Fiona's lil sister Suzuna drawing. So I start drawing Suzuna before finishing up Fiona & Silvia.
Fiona is one of my oldest OC. First drawing go back to 1999. That's 9 yrs... Less than month it'll be 10 yrs! Amazing enough, I have about 30~40 pages worth of Fiona drawing. I must really liked Fiona or something. LOL
Silvia actually came from car's name. Nissan has Silvia series: S13, S14, & S15. If any of you are interested just google em up. Just type in "Nissan Silvia" or "Silvia S (13,14, or 15)" and I'm pretty sure it'll come up. Anyways, I think, I saw a model who was standing front of Silvia S14 and that's how Silvia was born. LOL
Suzuna came from... I don't remember. LOL, only thing I remember is one of her first drawing ('99), she was twin tail with 2 suzu (bells) like Asuna (Negima), but years went on, her hair got shorter and instead of suzu. She started to wear a hat. Some of the drawings has cowboy hat with guitar on her back. Also, you noticed her eye colors are different. That part haven't changed since the first drawing.
Both drawings are not my style of drawings I do. Fiona & Silvia drawing style is my friend's drawing style. He told me to try it and see if I like it... Sadly, I am not fan of thin thin chara drawing. Also how the eyes were drawn isn't my fan. Suzuna drawing style is when I was really into big eyes... Til I found out that, I was suck at drawing big eyes chara. LOL So since then, I haven't drawn with that style. It's gonna be my last time drawing with that style. Before I put myself more shame. I gonna stop. LOL
Well, if you have time, please check out my drawing and have nice laugh at it. LOL. But seriously, any comment, thoughts, feedback, will help me out. Thanks. Fiona & Silvia & Suzuna
Well, it's 1:30am here. I gonna hit the bet now. see you tomorrow (or today?)