So today, I was checking some e-mail and nothing much was there (just junk mails). I thought, mind as well check theO and see if someone has commented some of my stuff and look what I found on first page...
When did this happened? Even the last Vocaloid WP I made came up around 3rd place too! Here the pic of it
I never knew Vocaloid was this famous! I wanna say, thank you for all the hugs and kisses... I mean favs! If I care bout what my ranking is too much, I can't make good WP, so I'm trying not to worry... but that doesn't mean I cannot forget all my friends who have hug & fav my work. I'm grateful for your kindness.
Right now, I just finished working on Bridging the Art class paper and bit tired, but I'll try to work lil bit on Innocent Heart's last request... and here and there play and make some WP for animegirly2... WP on Rin-tan.
Well, tomorrow til Wed, I gonna be bit busy so I might not comment much (I'm sorry), but Wed afternoon, I have time, so I'll comment & blog it!