Hello~ How's everyone doin'? Weather is looking good? As for me, it's nice sunny day here. Yesterday was also sunny day, so me and my friend did some car washing~! It took about 4~5 hrs of washing and cleaning. Yes, friend and I are massive car-holic. Just she doesn't know much about car as I do. lol Here's quick pic of my car.
Why the hood is different color? Cuz it's a Carbon Fiber hood. It's a lot more lighter. Also it stands out, so I can see which car is mine. lol I love having nice clean car~. It makes me happy. lol
Moving along. To those who have PS3 and own SF4, is it just me or boss (Seth) is pretty annoying? Yesterday, I've finally bought SF4 (Street Fighter 4). I haven't played SF series for forever, so I started out easy mode and man! Seth killed me over 23 times! By all means I'm not suck, I've been in State SF tournament before and rank in top 30 (it doesn't sound much, but out of 241 ppl... yeah that's pretty high). Also I was a lot disappointed with few other stuff.
1. Character drawing - Who draw this time? It's one of the worse drawing I have seen in SF series. If you like it, I'm sorry for offending it.
2. Ultra Super Moves - What happened to them? You can only do 2 with no different levels of Ultra Super Moves.
3. Movie Clips - OMG seriously, I have seen most of SF animes and it was pretty bad.
4. Costume - I'm not sure it's worth paying $13.50 to get everyone's costumes. They're not that great.
5 - Can't Read - By all means, I have 32" screen TV in my room and they're not small. but I can't read some of the stuff. They're way too small to read. Do they expect us to have 42~50" TV?
Now, I get why my brother was hating this game. Maybe only plus part of this game was Opening was pretty awesome.
Sorry for me blabin' about boring stuff. Changing to more positive topics.
New Project
I decided on my new project and trying to draw some right now... but it's not coming along well, but it's kinda fun. Hopefully, I can UL some preview some time soon.
Yes, Soccer season have start for me and my friends~! Today is first day to play! I know, I gonna be sore, so expect next blog about how my body hurts. lol
Well I better get going. C'ya~
Oh Ten-Chan as for last Q. HFC stands for High Flow Cat.