Hello~ How's everyone doin'? Hope good. As for me, either is bit under the weather... and tomorrow gonna be more worse. T-T BUT after this weekend, it's goin' to be sunny summer is comin'~ yay!
Well recently, I was goin' through few sites and in the side as advertising there were MMORPG called "Shin Megami Taisen Imagine". Now anyone play that game before? I am somewhat fan of MegaTai, so I'm interested, but I'm too lazy to DL if it's not good. If you don't know what I'm talkin' bout, here's the site: Shin Megami Taisen: Imagine
I saw some few previews of the game and graphic itself is bout ps2 or so and it's bout the same game play as other MegaTai. If you know let me know.
Alright, as for my drawin' goin... T-T Well let's just say I haven't work on it for a while... I'm sorry, I'm just been busy and it's gonna get more busy too. next week is my friend's b-day (July 4th yes, in Independence Day) and after that week, I'll racing in the track again... and lists just goes on and on. lol BUT I'll try to work on it when ever I have time. I still haven't done the drawing of 3k hits yet! Even though its bout 200 hit past. lol
Well, I'm gettin' hungry, so I better start making dinner... What to make~? Pasta? Soup? Salad? Tempura? Donburi? I'll figure something out.
Hope everyone have nice week/weekend