
Me: Look what the wonderful Kat drew, it's XIO!!!! :D

Lux: *freaks out* WHAT THE HELL?!?! Why did she draw him first and not ME! I was here before he was!!! *goes chibi and bites on clothing* NOT FAIR NOT FAIR!!!

Xio: *arms crossed with finger tapping shoulder* Oh shut your mouth Luxy boy, it's about damn time I took the spotlight before you anyway. *annoyed* It's not all about you. Geez, you always have to complain about me don't you idiot?

Lux: It's not fair...*chibi tear filled eyes*

Me: I asked Kat to hold off on you because you are getting a make over soon!!! :3 Besides Xio is sexy too and deserves to be drawn! He's still new here!!!

Xio: *annoyed goes away and smiles* My dear Iruka, you always know how to make me smile. Thank you my dear!! *kisses hand* And Kat, I owe you *winks* and don't forget that.

Lux: *cries in a corner*

Me: <,<" He'll live....

Xio: Idiot....*sighs*
