The Red moon Chap.10

Moritz laughed like he already knew what he was going to do next. "I don't know who to pick...I can't chose." Yutsuki said in agony. Then Morits dashed towards him and with a swing slit open his neck. With the fresh scent of blood dripping down Yutsuki's neck he sreamed in pain."NOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!"Hana cried out.

Suddenly the most beautiful thing happened. A bright angelic like light glowed from Hana. An ugly scream pierced through the beauty. "Nooooo!" It was Morits.
Everone gasped in amazment. The beast who attacked Yutsuki was now no more than an old man. "Help me minions!" he gasped coughing a little at each word.

The minions started to run away from the pitiful creature before them, they were finally free. Yutsuki who was only a little conscious said wearily. "Brother come back to us..." Hana ran over to Yutsuki but he was already unconcsious again. "How can you say that I am a monster!" Morits screamed coughing again. Then Hana turned around showing a crying face with Yutsuki in her arms. "You are only a monster if you want to be one."

She started to walk towards him. Hana put out her hand and said "Come back to the light and help save Yutsuki." Morits enchanted by the light surrounding Hana grabbed her hand. As soon as he touched her hand he transformed into the man he used to be.His eyes glimered.

"You're back...son." Yamato said like he was about to cry. There was a short pause. "SON!" everyone scream. "I'm sorry I'll explain later, but first we have to save Yutsuki." Yamato said with a change of attitude.Everyone's attention quikly switched to Yutsuki.

He was in Hana's arm looking like a sleeping baby, but with a strained face like he was having a nightmare. Then he spoke "Hana...Hana..."
"Shhh don't talk you're going to be ok.." Hana said crying even harder. "If I don't make it...I need to tell you one thing...I love you..." and then with all his strength kissed Hana. "It's going to be ok." she said through her tears, but it sounded like a dying dove. Then his body went limp. "I love you too..." Hana said and broke out into massive tears.

His eyes closed.


One Month Later

"She's been in there for a month now. I think we should go get help." a worried voice said. "Just leave her be. She'll get over him someday." another voice said. Hana was lying in her bed, the voices outside didn't bother her. They were said everyday like a bad rerun on tv.Two female figures walked in silently.

"Leave me alone!" Hana yelled as she hid under her covers. "Dear thats not very nice." Sayumi said. "Come out now, we're not going to bite." Satsuki said and realized how ironic that was and started laughing."Thats not funny guys" Hana wept from underneath the covers. "Sorry." they said together.

That whole night the two of them sat at Hana's bedside and kept her company as she cried quietly.Yamato came in the next morning. "How is she doing..." he said quietly to the sisters. "Ok, she's holding up." Sayumi said patting Hana's head. "Hey wait, didn't you say you were going to explain everything about yourself!" Satusuki exclaimed. "What! Oh ya...I'll tell you later." Yamato said as he started to turn.

"Not so fast you're explaining everything to us NOW!" Sayumi said with Satsuki joining in on the last word. "Fine. But, I'm bringing Morits up here too so he can explain things too." he said hoping Morits' story would be more intresting so he wouldn't have to explain.

"Oh ya hows everybody else holding up." Satsuki asked. "Everyone is grieving at his lost, but Hana is taking it the worst." he said looking at Hana sadly. The sisters turned to look at her and mumbled something even Yamato barely heard, something about dead and life. Yamato left to get Moritz.

In Hana's dream...or more like nightmare now, Yutsuki was on the verge of death in her arms. Then the scenery changed and instead of dying was walking away on the beach shores. He said "Wait for me here and I will come back one day, Hana darling." and walked away into the distance. Then Hana started running after but yet couldn't reach him. "Don't go!" she yelled as loud as she could. But all she could here were the echoes of what Yutsuki had said. Wait for me here...for me Then she woke up panting."Whats the matter?"Satsuki and Sayumi asked.

"I have to go to Makami beach! NOW!" Hana said and dashed out of the room. "Well at least its an improvement." Sayumi said to Satsuki with a questioned face. "Lets follow." Satsuki said. They both nodded and ran out of the room. As they reached the door they saw Yamato with Morits. "We'll be right back." they said. Yamato shrugged. "Well at least I don't have to talk." Morits, who looked a whole lot better nodded and walked away.They were almost at the beach when Sayumi and Satsuki stopped for some reason.

They looked only a couple of feet away to see Hana staring out on the beach with tears streaming out from her eyes. "He lied, he isn't here." Satsuki and Sayumi looked at eachother and nodded. "Lets go home, its getting cold." Sayumi said and they both held her arm and led her home.

Yet every day Hana would go to the beach in the morning and sit till dawn and everytime she would come home crying.Satsuki and Sayumi have been watching her but she doesn't seem any better. "What should we do?" one of them said. "I don't know lets wait and see." the other responded.
