So I received this "Hug" in my guestbook, and it says I must hug 7 other people at least, so I figured I'd ask who wants a hug. If you want a hug from me.... just leave a comment and make sure you have chocolate ^_^.
I had an interesting interrogation talk with one of the mafia members about what he did with all the money that I had given him to go work with. Apparently he spent it unwisely so I had him suffer eternal hell work for another guy of mine as his man servant. It was somewhat interesting.
I have also been working on the Kira case with L and Matt. Thankfully, Near has kept his albion head out of this. With Lunastarz information, we are sure to catch Kira.
While I was going though some of my old things and what not, I found an old videogame. It's some kind of pokemon game or something, and it's probably Matt's but I doubt he'll ever play it again. Anyways, I actually started playing it. It's actually somewhat entertaining.
Well I'm done-
M...... I slept 17 hours ._. and damn I feel good 8D woot no doctors no doctors no doctors! **arm flail** >D now back to the Kira investigation! I have so much catching up to do D= Near better not beat me because of this or I'm gonna go crazy.
Has anyone ever had a blonde moment? God I swear if I get another one I'm going to shoot myself. So this morning I was making a chocolate moose cake (to get my weight back from being sick) and I accidentally put cinnamon in the cake. And yet... strangely the cake still tasted good. I might have to do that more often. <_< no not the blonde moment thing but the cinnamon chocolate.
That's about it. Thanks for all the concern comments (even though some of you suggested doctor **gets out a gun and aims at a doctor***)
The doctors are after me, and they won't take me alive I tell you! They won't! Even if I have to hold them off with a machine gun they will not take me! D8<
Actually, I am feeling a lot better today. I ate half a piece of bread and didn't get sick off of it. Now I'm just tempted to go on an eating spree since I missed thanksgiving and everything.
Just thought I'd post-
Damn I'm still sick. It's down to where I haven't eaten in five days and I've lost like a kilo since I can't eat anything. If it keeps up I might have to go to a doctor. D8 I HATE DOCTORS! They're out to get me I know it DX< them and the dentists! Why can't they just leave me and my chocolate alone! *sigh*
Did anyone see that couple on the news who such into the presidential party in the US? I got a hell of a laugh out of it The secrete service pft. I remember breaking into that a loooooooong time ago.
And it was Thanksgiving in the US yesterday. It sucked because usually I use that day to eat my chocolate, but because I was sick, I couldn't eat anything.
=P and Sorry Matt I can't win the bet right now *sigh* but can you bring me more chocolate tea? That stuff was good.