Damn I'm still sick. It's down to where I haven't eaten in five days and I've lost like a kilo since I can't eat anything. If it keeps up I might have to go to a doctor. D8 I HATE DOCTORS! They're out to get me I know it DX< them and the dentists! Why can't they just leave me and my chocolate alone! *sigh*
Did anyone see that couple on the news who such into the presidential party in the US? I got a hell of a laugh out of it The secrete service pft. I remember breaking into that a loooooooong time ago.
And it was Thanksgiving in the US yesterday. It sucked because usually I use that day to eat my chocolate, but because I was sick, I couldn't eat anything.
=P and Sorry Matt I can't win the bet right now *sigh* but can you bring me more chocolate tea? That stuff was good.