The Life of a Mage

Chapter 1: Meeting

"Oh, Vivi..." her voice sang as Vivi tried to hide. Ladymage, the Otaku fangirl who could never get enough of him, rang the doorbell and knocked at the same time. Perhaps, if i ignore her, she'll go away, Vivi thought. No such luck.

"I have cookies!" the red mage was at his window. Vivi cowered out of sight. "They're windmill-shaped!"

A sudden explosion outside caused Ladymage to shriek and scamper away. Vivi hurriedly went outside when he knew she was gone.

The bookstore across from Vivi's house was charred, and he noticed weak Blizzard spells coming from within. Vivi helped by casting one Blizzaga. The fire went out. Vivi went inside to inspect the damage, and was surprised to see another little black mage inside.

"Hello there," Vivi said and assisted him up. "My name is Vivi. What's yours?"

"Croma." The other mage removed his hat and Vivi was slightly disappointed to see that he was human. Croma picked up a book. "What world is this?"

"Gaia. Why?" Vivi watched as Croma opened the book.

"Oh, that won't do..." Croma flipped through the pages. "I'm looking for the Earth with a Mysidia- Oh,no!"

The book flashed, and both Vivi and Croma were sucked into the pages. Ladymage walked into the damaged bookshop.

"Hello?" Ladymage picked up the book. "Hey, a story with Vivi and Croma in it! Could use some revisions, though..."

Chapter 2: Explanations

Vivi watched as Croma struggled to float over to the book. They were inside the book, or so Vivi assumed. Random objects either hung in midair, or flew slowly in erratic orbits.

"If you weren't trying to get to Gaia, why were you there?" Vivi asked as he spun sideways.

"I already told you," Croma insisted. "I'm trying to get to Mysidia. To check out the library there. I hear they have many tomes of magick."

"Oh, a bookworm," Vivi sighed. "How long have you had that book?"

"Not very long." was the reply.

"Couldn't you have just read the books in your own library?"

"Read 'em all. Twice." Croma finally grabbed the book. "And so has a few of my friends."

"Care to ex-" Vivi started before an odd individual suddenly warped into the room(?) and onto Vivi. He was wearing red and black, and had red bat-wings also. He was awfully thin and tall, not to mention he looked like some odd bird. He was wearing a helmet.

"Oh, dear," The stranger muttered, getting up and rubbing his head. "This isn't what I hypothesized..."

Both Vivi and Croma stood for a minute, staring at the ... whatever-it-was.

"Um-um... Mister?" Vivi held out his hand and helped the person(?) up. "My name is Vivi-?!"

"Vivi, Vivi! What an interesting name!" the (Yuke- necessary spoiler) suddenly shook Vivi's hand violently, being unnecessarily friendly."From the Latin vivos- 'I lived', I presume? But anyways, my name is Amidatty, and it is a sincere pleasure to meet you, Vivi!"

Croma hid the best he could, skimming the pages for a logical explanation.
