Yeeeeah, so I'm jumping on the Bandwagon here... I present to you, My Anime Harem! First up the girls, cause I can't figure out how to do more than one picture. O_o

Miria, because she's so bubbly and fun.
Kome, because OHGAWD, mother may I?
Excel, because our combined energies would cause the world to IMPLODE (and then Ilpalazzo can take it over with ease! =D)
Sailor Jupiter, cause, hey, I like a sensitive bad girl as much as the next, err, guy.
Rem, because eheheheh... Because I WOULD. XD Rule XXXVI can kiss my butt.
Hawkeye, because I love me a girl in uniform?
Haruhi, because the sensitive, nerdy type is my favorite host.
And Sir Integra, just... just BECAUSE. She's Sir Integra. You don't need another reason. *drool*
BACCANO. BACCAAAANOOOOOOO. Release date. January 27, 2009. Tell your friends. No, seriously. Everyone needs to see this series. EVERYONE. And it's being released in single DVDs. Therefore, I expect boxset. Big. Pretty. Boxset. SQUEEEEEEEEEEEEEE.
And on a more personal note, PLANE TICKETS. I'VE BEEN LOOKING AT THEMS FOR HALF AN HOURS NOWS. HOLY CRAP, I GET TO SEE MY RYO. AT HIS HOME, ZOMG. And if all goes according to plan, it'll be on New Year's too. X3
..................... GAAAAAAAWD I should go to bed and end the CAPSLOCK RAMBLING. BUT I CAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAN'T.
...................................................................................................... I am still in my Rem costume. And I still have a panda tail pinned to my butt. Schweet.
So, I’ve pretty much FAILed as a theO member the last while… I have no excuse except midterms, fighting with assorted relatives, an almost-surprise-visit from my estranged father, and general teenage drama putting me in a funk. I cried on and off for about a week, yech… ^^ But I’m gunna try and be better! So, yeah, if I haven’t commented on your stuff, I’m sorry. Actually, I think that’s everyone. O_o I’m sorry everyone! I still love you! *hands everyone a cookie* Or would a cupcake be more appropriate? D=
So since the last time I was functioning I did my cosplay photoshoot and got the pictures. XD It was pretty fun! I enjoyed it, and the photographer mentioned he’d like me to do another in my Prince of Tennis Seigaku uniform out on the actual tennis courts. Which might be fun (wish my Eiji could come though!), provided it’s not twenty degrees out, XD. Some of the pictures turned out really nice. Other ones will NEVER EVER see the light of day… -_-’
I went to the DeathNote movie, which involved walking the three miles to the theater in my full-on Rem costume! It was SPECTACULAR. I will take pretty much any excuse to cosplay, and the stares of the confused people I pass just amuse me greatly… My roomie (and long-lost twin) went as Misa, so it was lots of fun. ^-^
I got hit by a bike yesterday. O_O I’m fine, it was just random. I kinda figured it would happen eventually, and better a bike than a car! XD
Also, I have decided there’s no better way to jolt yourself awake than to stumble back into your own room in your pajamas from a sleepover at a friend’s dorm, and have your roommate’s half-naked boyfriend walk out. OH HULLO THERE. You’re in my bedroom… shirtless… in your boxers… I have short shorts and no bra on… I’M AWAKE. O_O Ehh… It was just awkward. He’s a really nice guy (he always says hello, bought her some lovely roses, and he’s polite). I just would like to know when he’s sleeping over… And I would like him clothed at all times, kay thanks. >>;
It SNOWED! =D SNOOOOWED! EEK! Of course, it didn’t stick or anything and was just kind of light flurries, not real snow at all… But still. XD In Texas we would get a good white layer of ice down about once a year that kinda looked like snow, and we’d all take pictures and say it snowed and the city would panic and shut down… Ahh. XD I’m also getting actual USE out of my adorable Shigure hat. ^_^
So… YEAH. That’s what I’ve been up to. Now to go attempt to catch up on what everyone else has been doing! *rolls up sleeves, cracks knuckles* LET’S DO THIS! (Believe it! *ducks from bricks.)
So, so, you know when you're running down the street cause your professor let you out late and your next class is cross-campus? And you're jumping in front of cars, sprinting, and cutting off bicycles cause you're late and don't have time to stop for anything?
And then you hear someone call out, "SWEET DEATHNOTE BAG!" ...?
And suddenly, magically, there's TIME to crash to a halt, turn around, and hug a fellow otaku.
^^ Ahhh... FELLOWSHIP.
I got tagged by Ryosuke Forever. Go figure. XD
-What's your full name?
Mirria Lynn If-You-Don't-Know-You-Prolly-Don't-Need-To (signing that is hard, let me tell you! =O )
-What's your favorite color?
Purple and green! Don't make me choose just one. *glower*
-What do you hate most?
Snobbery, disrespect, spiders... Don't laugh, they're creepy!
-What do you love most?
A certain Ryosuke Forever. He's so huggable. Also, making costumes and playing with my plushies.
-What are your favorite creatures?
Bunnies, horses, and goats. And apple-loving shinigami!
-Do you watch cartoons?
I've been a fan of Batman since I watched the cartoons as a babeh, Disney movies own my soul, and most of the new Pixar movies amuse me. Plus I have an unnatural love of Avatar: The Last Airbender, no matter how lame it is. Other than that I don't watch many cartoons anymore (since anime is NOT cartoons).
-What's the dumbest thing you've ever done?
I decided at the end of a cosplay skit that leaping off the stage while in my four to five inch Pikachu shoes was a GREAT idea. Gravity and clumsiness led to me face down on the floor. Go figure!
-Wow, you're pretty stupid...
Sure am! But I keep life interesting.
-Which one of your characters do you like most?
I love my main character Rift. He's such a sweetheart, even if he denies it.
-Which one would you trash?
RION. Arrogant, judgmental little jerkoff...
-What would you do if someone stole your work?
Since currently only a few people I love have seen any of it, I would be really, really hurt. Then I'd have to go a tad psycho on them.
-What are your views on online dating?
... Heh. XD More power to you!
-What kind of people do you like?
I love people! Most of the time. So-called "normal" people concern me. But I'm typically really friendly, I love making new friends!
-Would you still be nice to a boring deviant or otakuian?
Of course! They'd have to do something jerkoffy to make me not be nice to them. Being boring is not a crime, XD.
-What would you do if someone flamed you?
Blink in confusion, then probably ignore it. Helpful critiques are encouraged though!
Character time: Rift
- 0____o What's your name?
Rift Jeremiah Glass.
-How old are you?
27. But I'm a baby compared to the idiot I work with.
-Are you male or female?
-If you had to chose just one place to live for the rest of your life, where would it be?
Someplace far away, out in the country or on the beach.
-how creative do you think your human/creator is?
Eh. She could use some work (HEY!). But my main concern is that she keep herself safe. She's so scatterbrained.
-Could you describe your personality to us?
Highly sarcastic and introverted.
-Hmm...Interesting...tell me your life story, if you don't mind.
... Why? It doesn't matter anyway.
-Good or Evil?
Oh good. I'm mother-freakin' Jesus, can't you tell?
-Oh yeah, who are you going to tag?
^^; I think everyone I know so far has done it or been tagged already. Sorries!
Ooh, tomato soup. Something not currently revolting. *wanders off*