Cause I Wanna Play Too!

Yeeeeah, so I'm jumping on the Bandwagon here... I present to you, My Anime Harem! First up the girls, cause I can't figure out how to do more than one picture. O_o

Miria, because she's so bubbly and fun.
Kome, because OHGAWD, mother may I?
Excel, because our combined energies would cause the world to IMPLODE (and then Ilpalazzo can take it over with ease! =D)
Sailor Jupiter, cause, hey, I like a sensitive bad girl as much as the next, err, guy.
Rem, because eheheheh... Because I WOULD. XD Rule XXXVI can kiss my butt.
Hawkeye, because I love me a girl in uniform?
Haruhi, because the sensitive, nerdy type is my favorite host.
And Sir Integra, just... just BECAUSE. She's Sir Integra. You don't need another reason. *drool*
