Papal Inauguration: Part Mai

I am back in Ohio, alive and well, except for the running on two hours of sleep nabbed on a plane and caffeine part. XD;;;

Sad part of the post: I had to leave Ryo and all our mutual friends at the crack of dawn this morning (we pulled a literal all-nighter). I burst into tears as we kissed goodbye, I thought I'd be able to handle it, but I couldn't. I just kind of lost it, because I realized I wouldn't be seeing him again for a few months. And then as he left he said something terribly romantic, and it just made me cry even harder. I'm so... yeah. I'll be okay. ^^

NEWAYS. Less emo-part of the post. We spent New Year's Eve together, and it was the best thing EVAR. Some people have told me there's nothing more hilarious than being the only sober person in a room of drunks. I disagree. The funniest thing is when EVERYONE is sober EXCEPT that one guy who is stumbling, stupid drunk. XD Greg, the fellow fulfilling this role for our party, was so ridiculously drunk that none of us could help making fun and laughing. Ryo covered some of the better lines for the evening, but the hilarity didn't stop there. Our mutual friend Maggie (who introduced us in the first place) decided to give Greg a sobriety test when he started insisting he was sober. He completely missed touching his nose with his fingers, and when she had him walk in a straight line, it resulted in him holding his arms out, waving them slightly, and doing a stumbling, dance-like walk in a curve. ........ He was convinced he passed, however. XD And later he put on one of Ryo and I's friend's bra and was eventually "locked" in the bathroom. In other words, he was put in there and the door was closed, but it took him a bit to figure out how to get out. XD

And then when we were all settling down to sleep, Greg got rowdy and a tad crazy. Well, crazier. And he decided he was going to sleep on the floor, right beside the couch I was sleeping on. Which was NOT a good idea, because he was a... FRIENDLY drunk, and had already tried to kiss me (he missed, the room went silent, and I ran to Ryo, who RAWRed. XD) once that night. So, the host dragged him into his room (which he did NOT appreciate), and to get him to stay there, we built a barricade of chairs in the hallway that effectively trapped him. XD

He managed to remember most of the events the next morning. He insists, however, that the bra and bathroom incidents NEVER occurred.

Also, we and some other friends played Twister. I believe this occurred while Greg was in the getting-drunk process.

I successfully met Ryo's dad, stepmom, brother, and cousin! Whoo! Turns out I had nothing to worry over, they loved me. =D

The last night was sad, we had a CRAZY-MAD-DISCO-PARTY and it was SOOOOOOO much fun, but I kept realizing that I was leaving. =/ Yeah. Oh well. It was still EPIIIIIIIIC. I had a blast. ALSO, Ryo and I found the most BEAUTIFUL red fabric for a Miria cosplay. *swoon* I love it. AND IT WAS ON SAAAAAAALE. So I bought it, settled for a "meh" but alterable pattern, and am going to SOMEHOW find a way and the time to make it before A-Kon. Whoo!

OH, and on the way to the airport, Maggie hit another one of our friend's car. XD She backed into it. It was hilarious. Possibly because it was EEEEEEEARLY and I was SLEEEEEEPY. XD

... Yeah, I'm loopy still. XD But... whoooooooo...
