Uhh... Whee?

So I dropped my first class. ^^ I took myself from 20 credit hours to 15 by dropping Earth Sciences. I figured out I was trying to do too much between classes my eventual (fingers crossed for getting one I actually WANT!) job, and extra curriculars. Yay me for figuring out I can't do as much as I thought BEFORE I'm leaning over the toilet bowl puking my guts and stress out. XD I just wish I could have dropped Latin instead. ^^

I think my English class will be the best thing ever, too. It's all about where the sense of entitlement people have comes from, and why we feel we are owed certain things. It uses digital media as well as literature, so I'm pretty excited. ^_^

Also, I need to learn to let things go and not hold grudges. ........ We'll see how well that goes. =D

I wanna work on my Miria dress! *flail* The material is sitting there, MOCKING me! Hrmph. XD

*rocks out to Everon* I love having speakeeeeeeeeers!!!
