Just registered for my spring-quarter classes. Did you know I'm coded as a sophomore because of AP credit? Me neither. I do now though.
I got my Latin class, yay! At the proper time with the not-psycho professor. And it will be the LAST LATIN CLASS I EVER HAVE TO TAKE, EVER. *faints* Thank goodness.
I'm not taking an English class. O____o EEEEEEEEEH???
Also, I'm taking potentially the best class ever. Women's Studies 370: Varieties in the Female Experience. Course description?
"This course is designed as a survey of the cultural, social, and political diversity of Lesbian, Bisexual, and Transgender communities and Identities in the 20th and 21st centuries. We will read fiction, examine lesbian/bi/feminist/queer theory, politics, and history, and consider comics, music, and film as texts."
Homan. I'm so excited. Like I can't even explain.