At first I was amused. Then I was angry because of the jackass comment, not the being made fun of part though. Now? I'm taking this crap and RUNNING WITH IT.
I'm taking pictures of me wearing the hat and sending them in and stuff and just... Good god. It will EXPLODE.
Seriously? SERIOUSLY? No comment on the BRIGHT LIME GREEN COAT? The Cherry Coke shoved in the pocket? The fact that I have a hat AND a hood? XD
On a serious note, I think it's stupid that such a column even exists.
But I'm also terrible amused that they thought I WOULD REALLY TAKE SUCH A THING SERIOUSLY. I'm PROUD of my hat. I ADORE my hat. XD And if you're going to insult me, at least do it CORRECTLY. It's a dog. Not a donkey. Something tells me they knew that, but were too afraid to actually call me a "bitch" instead of a "jackass." XD