Real-life is kicking my ass right now... Between Latin translations and build-up of stress, I've started up with a lot of mental things that I haven't had to deal with in a few years. The main one being anxiety attacks, which I haven't really had for three years until recently. They're awful, I start hyperventilating, my nails claw at my palms, and I shake really, really bad... They can last anywhere from a few minutes to nearly an hour. I don't really know what happens during them, I only know what I do from my friends who have been with me when they occur, and the scratches on my palms linger. Nothing wears you out quite like one, either, I can tell you that much...
One of my friends is trying to get me to go see a therapist about depression and anxiety and stuff, but I dunno. I don't feel like there's anything anybody could do, that I need to suck it up and deal with it.
Anyway. I am still alive. I promise. Just thought I'd remind everyone of this.
I've been trying to keep up with people's world posts, just haven't been commenting... I'm a lurker until further notice.