ALL about me

Hair Color: Light Brown
Eye Color: Dark Brown
Height: tall..... lol
Relationship Status: With someone ^^
Religious Views: Christian
Any Siblings?: Big sister
Shoe size: 8-9
Where were you born?: Ipswich
Innie or Outie: Innie
Righty or Lefty?: Righty
Any pets?: 1 rabbit, 4 chickens
What month were you born in?: SeptemberFavorite Color: Orange
Favorite Movie: Blues Brothers
Favorite Hobby: Scouts or Music
Favorite Book/Author: Watsuki Nobuhiro auther of Kenshin, or Robert Rankin, Auther of The Hollow Chocolate Bunnies of the Appocolypse
Favorite School Subject: Music or Science
Favorite Vacation Destination: Norfolk
Favorite Food: My moms chicken with cheese ^^
Favorite Animal: Peragin Falcon
Favorite Store: GAME
Favorite Celebrity : Bill Bailey
Favorite Person In Your Life: My girlfriend
Favorite Facebook Application : Plain Sailing
Comedian: Bill Bailey
Favorite Number: 8
Favorite Hard Candy: Rubarb and Custerd
Favorite Month: September, november or December
Favorite Ice Cream: Screwball
Favorite Drink: Coke
Favorite Cartoon Character: Top CatChocolate or Vanilla: Vanilla
Coke or Pepsi : hmm... thats a tough one...
Coffee or Tea: COFFEE!!
Apple Juice or O.J.: Apple
Facebook or MySpace: FACEBOOK!!
Summer or Winter: winter, snuggely and cosey
Windows or Mac: I use windows... but would love a Mac.;
Cats or Dogs: Cats
Boxers or Briefs: Boxers
Rain or Shine : dunt mind
Chips or Popcorn: Pop corn
Salty or Sweet: Either or
Plane or Boat: Boat
Morning or Night: Morning, i like the smell of the air in the morning
Movie or Play: PLay
Walk or Drive: Drive ^^'
Money or Love: depends how much money or love from who
Breakfast or Dinner: Dinner
Forgiveness or Revenge: A little revenge, then forgivness
Paint or Wallpaper: Paint
House or Apartment: House
Contacts or Glasses: Glasses
Root beer or Dr. Pepper: Dr. Pepper
Skiing or Boarding: Boarding
Silver or Gold: Silver
Diamond or pearl: Diamond
Sunset or Sunrise: Set
Phone or in person: In Person
Oldest, middle, youngest or only child: Middle
Indoor or Outdoor: What ever is more interestinga t the tmeHave Any Pets: yep
Have Any Children: nope
Smoke: never
Drink: not much
Exercise: i walk to school
Spend Your Life On Facebook: 50%
Play On A Sports Team: sail in a club
Belong To Any Organizations: Scouts
Play An Instrument: Just a few :p
Sing: not if i dont have to
Speak Multiple Languages: i want to speek japanese, but i cant really...
Ice Skate: its fun
Swim: sometimes
Paint: draw
Write: yeh
Ski: nope
Juggle: o.o i wish
Do you wish you lived somewhere else?: sometimes
Do you like roller coasters?: some
Enjoy spending time with your Mother?: dont mind
Ever think about the price of gasoline?: nope
Sleep with a fan on?: every night
Have a good handle on spelling?: ^^' not verrey
Ever type "kik" instead of "lol?: nope
Know how to play chess?: yup
Ever miss being a little kid?: often
Want to get married?: oro...Stolen Anything: nope
Been Drunk Before Noon: nope
Had Sex In A Public Place: nope
Got Caught Telling A Lie: probably
Got A Speeding Ticket: nope
Been Arrested: nope
Littered: not much
Fantasized About A Co-Worker: oro.. nope.
Cheated On A Test: try not to
Cheated In A Relationship: never
Failed A Class: nope
Stuck Gum Under A Desk: nope
Wished You Were Someone Else: yeh
Cried During A Movie: ET. when i was 6... n_n
Had A One Night Stand: nope
Had to pull over on the side of the road to puke?: when i was litle i think
Had your heart broken?: sort of..
Had a near death experience: nope
Pulled an all nighter?: YEH n_n
Surfed: nope
Lied about your age: probably
Broken a bone?: nearlyDescribe Yourself In One Word: Tall
Your Proudest Accomplishment: ended going out with grace :)
#1 Priority In Your Life: making other people happy
Dream Job: Kids TV presenter
Special Talents: Musicing
Where Are You Right Now: In my loft
Where Would You Rather Be: at the beach
Famous Person You Want To Meet: Bill Bailey
Place To Visit Before You Die: Japan
Song Played At Your Funeral: havnt a clue
What are you listening to right now: Clocks by Coldplay
What makes you happy: Hugs
What did you do yesterday: went sailing all day
Won any awards?: a few
Are you a good driver?: nope lol
Gotten any speeding tickets?: nope
Are you double jointed?: sorta
Last time you showered?: yesterday
What's the last dream you remember?: setting fire to a lot of things// o.o
What side of the bed do you sleep on?: what ever side i end up on
Do you dress up on Halloween?: sometimes
Do you ever wish you were famous?: sometimes
Have you ever done anything illegal?: dunno...
Where will you be 12 hours from now?: asleep in bed hopfully
Is it easy for others to make you feel awkward?: yeh///
Do you know what you are going to wear tomorrow?: school uniform
Is it easy for people to make you smile?: yup :)
Does anyone hate you for no reason?: not me...
Can you make yourself cry?: maybe if i tried hard
How many hours of sleep did you get last night?: lots :P
Is your life simple or complicated?: changes
Are you taller than 5'4"?: alot
What color are your socks?: im not wearing socks right now..Have you laughed until you cried: yuh.. :D
Met someone who changed you: not really
Kissed anyone on your friends list: err.. think so
What were you doing at midnight last night: Watching telly
Name something you CANNOT wait for: Going to frace inthe Summer!
Have you ever talked to a person named Tom: my dad is called Tom :p
What are you listening to right now: Still Clocks
What is one thing you wish you could change about your life: I would be bi-lingual
Last time you saw your father : about half an hour ago
Most visited webpage: Gaiaonline or Youtube
Do people think you're weird?: some do
Are any of your friends mad at you?: Sometimes, not much
What's one new thing you'd like to try?: ply guitar or Drums
Would you get married before 19?: nope
Can you crack your neck?: nu uh
Are you a bully? O_o: nope nope
Do you type fast?: yuh
Do you get mad easily?: depends
Do you like getting hyper?: doesnt happen much
Do you like making kids cry?: no, i feel bad...
Who's your best friend?: Chrstian
What is the longest relationship you were in?: The one i am in now i thinkFirst best friend : Darren
First sport you joined : Sailing
First pet : Guinny Pigs called Gingie and Squeekie
First vacation : Norfolk Broads
First crush : shh...
Very FIRST memory? : cant remember :p
First person you had a fight with?: i dont get into fights
First time you rode a bike?: along time ago
First person you slow danced with: HAH< christian, year 6 disco, got sponcered, made 4 pounds
If your house was on fire, first thing you'd grab?: DSi
First thing you'd do with 5 million dollars: Fly to Japan
First thing you notice when you look in the mirror?: I gotta brush my hair
First impression of your bf/gf?: wow she is cuteYour ex and You: We are friends
I am listening to: Viva la Vida
Maybe I should: Write my essay
I love: Grace
I don't understand: alot of big things
I have lost my respect for: rather not say
I will always be: Happy
Love seems to: be good fun
I never ever want to lose: her
I get annoyed when: people are stubbourn
Do you like parties?: yehh
Today I: im getting ready for tomorro
I wish: alot of things
Are you neat or sloppy?: depends
What kind of clothes do you like?: baggy
Are you mad at someone?: not at the moment
What do you do in your spare time: play on my wii
Do you have any medical problems?: nope
Do you like to read? What?: I love reading Manga
Would you do drugs?: Never
Have you ever written a song?: nope
Do you like poetry?: sometimes
Have you written poetry?: in school
Have you dated someone older than you?: nope

Got it off Facebook
umm.. i think i copied the same part twice... cant be bothered to check.. lol
