what came next

Happy? Ha! He bloomin' well wasn’t happy. He was fed up. Bored, Miserable and in rather a lot of pain; the feeling is best considered metaphorically as "a beached whale being stung by at least seven hundred and sixty nine bees." But why was he so fed up? Well, you would be in that whale’s position, you would belong in the sea where there are a lot less than 769 bees to sting you. However, that was just a metaphor, an analogy, a random thing to help you understand the feelings of our protagonist who, by the way, is called Eddie; short for Edward, objects to being abbreviated to Teddy because that is rather patronising. But, just what was it causing him such pain? It wasn’t seven hundred and sixty nine bees, but one polar bear. Confused? Me too. Why on earth was Eddy; a young lad of no more than 11, blonde hair, blue eyes, scrawny, not very tall, doing in the South Poll? This polar bear, named Frankie by the way, was confused… he looked different to what he thought polar bears should look like. “Do polar bears waddle?” “Do we have wings?”
“No,” said Eddie, “Because you are a penguin, now please stop prodding me with your “cute black nose” or mite I say BEAK!”
“Oh, sorry mate” said Frankie
Frakie had infact been standin on Eddie for around four and a half minutes, hence the brodom, and pecking Eddie's face for roughly 63% of this period of time, thus resulting in the disconfort of Eddie's face.
Just then, something terrible happened! Something so incredible, something so terrifying, something very scary…

The writer ran out of ideas, at which point Eddie and Frank started to melt away, getting brighter and brighter until the two of them, along with the whole of the South Poll, just disappeared and formed into a beautiful hanging cadence. Out of which a very large sign burst, saying “PLEASE CONTINUE THIS STORY BECAUSE MALLAK IS STUCK”


The cadence was, as it happens, an imperfect cadence in the key of C major - more accurately, the chords V and I, consisting of the notes G,B,D and C,E,G. Obviously, as the only beings capable of witnessing this were, at the moment, melting away in a pool of light that had the same consistency as a half-filled bowl of rice pudding left in a darkened room for three nights, it escaped their notice that the chord was unfinished. If they had been Mozart they would have rushed to find whatever means possible in order to complete the chord but, as one was a young lad of no more than 11, blonde hair, blue eyes, scrawny, not very tall and the other a rather confused penguin, it would be correct to assume that they were not Mozart and therefore had no objection to leaving the chord unfinished.
After a few minutes of hanging in the wake of the uncompleted chord, the sign began to feel very uncomfortable. Afraid to break the silence, it hung there, motionless and unable to do anything about the slow creeping of an itch appearing on the right of the letter K. Trembling, it tried to resist. It didnt work.
If signs could scream, that is the sound it would make. The silence shattered and the sign fell into the hole it had created, an unwitting victim of unintentional suicide due to falling-down-a-whole-of-unimaginable-shattered-silence. Shards of silence fell all over the ice, merging with the powdery snow and creating a substance not unlike vanilla icream with see-through wafers. The puddle of stodgy light lay bubbling on the ice next to the hole. Slowly it began to ever so gently
Life was circulating in that puddle and, as the last of it slowly drained into the hole, a tiny conversation could be heard coming from somewhere inside a particularly stodgy lump.

"Teddy, where are we?"
"I'll have you know, Freddie, I object to my name being abbreviated to Teddy because that is rather patronising. If you would be so kind, get your cute black nose-beak out of my ear before I hit you."
"Teddy, where are we?"
"I dont know."

~"Wooooooh, I'll leave it up to you to decide what comes next ^^" said Eddie

I personaly have never found my self in this particular situation before, but i personaly have also decided that if i did, i dont think i would call upon a penguin, the likes of which happaneded to not be entirely sure even of it's own species, to decide "what comes next". However, Eddie did not personaly decide such decision. So, Freddie did decide what came next...

BUT! you will all have to wawit for mallak to finish his maths revision to find out what his spine tingling decision was... or for shi-chan to get there first...
