Mallak's big adventure!

O.O i haven't posted in aaggeess!!
well, right now i'm in Bath XD -not the bath, as in the cleaning wet naked thing, Bath as in the place where my sister lives...-

I had to get here on my owwwn!!! O.o yup, from felixstowe to london, across london to Bath! Really fun, but scary.
Yesterday i went to see my sister's scout troop, we built a fire and cooked marshmallows, it was really fun! Today mallak bought LoZ Phantom Hourglass, and rather likes it! then Mallak and his sis went to Wagamama for lunch, t'was very yummy (: Then, this evening they went to the cinema, to see UP. It was rrrrrreeeeeaaaaallllyyyy FUN and it made his sister cry... :P hehe

Mallak really likes Bath, and misses his sister when she is away, He's been getting a little confused with 1st and 3rd person this post but never mind. Love you grace! ^ ^
