Well, another amazing weekend. I wanted to drive to Little Tokyo, in LA. One of my favorite places. There's a wonderful museum, and some mystical looking little shops, that just seem to beg to be featured in an anime. It feels timeless there, walking about, finding things like an ancient fire tower, a stature of a samurai (ironically, now in front of a bank) and there are the restaurants, and the New Otani Hotel, with a beautiful rooftop garden. I have a little wooden geisha girl hanging on my purse, with a small bell. Everyone knows where I am by the sound. ( I have to figure out and manipulate pictures to post them here. ) I wanted to go this weekend, but Mr. Flu Bug had other sinister plans. And... in the end he won (Dag nabit! I wish I could find the Japanese word for this)
While walking there, I spied a little sparrow. It was staring at a piece of roasted corn, that was as big as he was. What was he going to do? After a few seconds, he jumped on it, rolling over and over as he tried to fly away with his prize. When this did not work, he settled for taking his fill instead. The message I took from this--- no matter the odds, don't relinquish your dreams!