Trying to get it together

If you had a saying, used to characterize you, what would it be? Mine would be "Just when I find it, it gets changed or moved". Still haven't quite got the hang of how to change backgrounds, or mess around with the look of the site (like the old site). Well, guess I'll have to keep trying.

And at work" burned up or whatever the 3rd computer in 2 years! Wow , is that getting old! Yet, still have had the same one at home for several years. The big parrot (now only parrot), is still a little afraid of seeing letters appear on the screen as I type (Bad Boy was so bold s to "type" himself, walking over the key board! That's a big change-- just the one bird. Work is really busy -- when I get a few moments , I still knit. I'm making the second sock for next July 4th- red, white and blue lace socks! If the weather isn't too bad, I'll try to find some local places to do some photgraphs. Haven't been to Venice beach in a while (Believe me, that would be a great background for anime!). Guess I'll look through the book of local places to travel and plan it out. Although , the house calls out for a new garage door ! Sigh, not exactly what I want to do with my time.

Well, time for some anime (still just love Cowboy Bebop--- but also am loving Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood)

Candle in the window for my friends, Panda, CosmicSailor, Twilight Samurai, Kitsune Tsuke, and Caprice. Love you all.
