I think the house is winning

Yucky! Another miserable house chore and more contractors coming to fix stuff. Sometimes I almost feel I should hang out a sign " Contractors Haven" on the front lawn. Sigh-- life is too short to keep messing with this.Oh, well. Have to look for some new anime and manga-- any suggestions? The fields non far from the house are bursting with tiny yellow flowers-- they start as a small spot in the canyons,k and quicklyrace d spread, and cover all meadows and fields in bright yellow for a brief time, then the brown returns to the canyons to remain the rest of the year. In So Cal , the weather has been verystrange, raining every weekend, and cloudier than usual-- hopefully, the green, and wildflowers will last just a little longer, keeping the fields and canyons painted with colours like the belles of the ball they are. Or at least in the eyes of this earthmother.

What do you all find beautiful to see in your realms?

