Isn't it taxing enough?

I am sitting here with a swirl of mixed up papers on the floor, and shaking my fist at the walls-- ho ho yes tax time... I can't even seem to put the thing together. a great example of the frazzle moden life can twist one intol I always seen to have aome problems in getting things into my posts, but then again, that seems to be what;s going on right now. Finished Death Note, watching and mibbling a bit at a time. It was really good, and if you haven't seen it, I would but is high up there. does anyone know how to put quuix results in posts? I did the 19th Centure writers quiz== I recall my dad always emphasizing the classics as long as a can remember. Yes volutarily I read and quite enjoyed Dante's Inferno, I enjoy the symbolism, and marvel as it applies more and more with the hecticness of life, but felt there was a lot that was special about Thoueau...somehow a break from the routine, and yet a great travel inside oneself. I have found the good anime seems to have a jewel hidden from some of the classics== especially Everyman. Often hard these days to discuss these things. For a change of pace from the rat race, they are worth looking into. any one elso a closet classics reader? I really like Dickens and find much that applies to current times. Well , off to get ready for another day, and relax with a good anime-- the art is really beautiful. One day, creativity will return. Does anyone know how to put quiz results into the Otaku posts? I would love to know. Just sign me as technologically very challenged. Have a great week, and please stop for wildflowers!External Image
