So this morning I get up from a horrible dream where I tried to commit suicide. O.o Weird. I have been having strange dreams lately, but I believe they are caused from fatigue. Damned stress will do that to you. I took a shower when I got up so that my hair could dry before I go out tonight. (I have to go watch a play for class.) Then I set around and talked to Princess Jackie for a while, eating my wonderful breakfast of yogurt. Good breakfast. XD
At about four o'clock Im supposed to head out to town to go eat and then drive an hour to get to the college and watch a play about coal mining and drug abuse in my reigion. I shouldnt have to watch a play to know about it, I live in it. -__-
Drugs and stuff like that is really bad around here. They actually call us the Oxycapitol. It's depressing to think that we have been labeled so negetively, and while the play is supposed to be inspirational to all those that view it, I find it a tad annoying. It's bringing our problems to light, but it's not solving them. I think it gives people the impression that that's all we have to offer here; drugs and coal mines. It is true that coal mining is the biggest industry around here, but it's not the only industry. We also have a Wal-Mart. XD
It's true I come from a small town in the middle of no where, but we do have more to offer than the coal mines and drugs.We have beautiful mountains. I live in a beautiful place. It can't help that conceiled within it's forests are many bad things. Its not just my home that has been effected by drugs and things like that. I'm sure EVERYONE has some type of experience with a family member, friend, or just a loved one that has gone down the wrong path.

This is where I come from. This is my home. People paint it to be something ugly, but its beautiful. I really dont want to watch this play. :(
Another thing is that I'm going with my friend from my last post. -__-
I love the girl to death, I really do, but some things she does just annoys me. It is my assumption that she wants to go out to eat again. I really hate eating out, but I suppose Ill go and order SEPERATE. I'm not getting stuck paying for her crap again. (Yes, Im still slightly annoyed over that.)She'll want to go eat somewhere I hate too. Probably Mcdonalds. I hate Mcdonalds. All their food feels greasy. At least take me to Wendy's where I can get chili or a salad. XD
I suppose Ill have to go watch the play and try to find something decent on the menu at which ever resturaunt she decides to go to. Oh well, I will survive I suppose.
After contemplating how to go about this world, I decided to make it like a public journel. So, Ill try not to go into too much gore with my life. XD Then again, you wont be able to understand me if I dont go into some of the gore. So here is the one for today.
Today I woke up at about 10:30 and first thing turned on my laptop. I was expecting an email from a friend, and sure enough it was there. So, while I read the email, I ate a yogurt for breakfast. I talked to a couple of people online, and then went for a walk at the walking track. Muah is on a journey of fitness. I'm still a little upset over somethings that happened last night though.
I went out with a couple of friends, and went to the only authentic Mexican Resturaunt, "El Charitos," in this God forsaken small town. Nothing was playing at the movies that we wanted to watch, so we just went to eat. As if I needed to eat that huge plate of Pollo Loco. Anyways, We eat,and the entire time I am the subject of their ridicule. Having their laughs at my expense was starting to get old, but I managed to keep my mouth shut.That was hard.
So, we finish our food and we go to leave. I had had a polo loco, that was it. My friend had ordered a Pollo Harlan, a soda, and a saucer of chesse sauce. My other friend ordered the same, but they shared the cheese sauce. I took a couple of bites out of the cheese. I didnt really eat any of it, but as we went to the register to pay, my friends both paid for their food and their drink and somehow the cheese sause got left on my bill. This was interesting, because they had ordered it. I confronted my friend inside the resturaunt. She got mad, but in order to keep from making a scene I paid and walked out of the resturaunt. Once outside I let her have it. Of course it was returned with, "God, you're a cheapskate" and "Its just a couple of dollars." True it was only 3.50, but why should I have to pay for something she ordered.
The rest of the night continued with more ridicule. This time including my being called a "cheepskate" and "internet freak." Interesting evening. I ended up coming home early and spending the night ticked off. It may seem like something childish or completely stupid to get mad over, but it wasnt my responsibility to pay for her order.
Im still a little annoyed over all of that, but I enjoyed my walk this afternoon. I ended up having to come home early though, because my allergies made me go into an asthma attack. (Forgot to take an allergy pill before I left) My chest and throat is still a little sore, but other than that Im good. Next time Ill remember the allergy pill. LMAO!!