Where the hell are the cookies?

I'm tired. I'm over whelmed. I just got a curriculum plan for my life. It's going to take me 3 years to graduate, and honestly, I don't know if I can do it. I have to take French or Spanish, which my university doesn't offer but on special occasions. I need to take a crap load of education classes, all of which I have to drive to high schools and survey. Great, right? I knew I was going to have to do this, but hell... I don't have my drivers license. This is where things start getting difficult. *sigh* I just have to keep telling myself, "I can do this, I can do this." No, I can't. D: I have to retake the ACT, AGAIN! This is ridiculous. I'm beginning to wonder if I wouldn't be better flipping burgers. *sigh* I really wont do anything like that, I'm just tired and stressed out.

College is hard. People don't realize how hard. Parents don't make it better when they don't understand and think that they do. It makes it really hard when you're trying to better yourself and go to school to make a living, and they start telling you all this advice that they know nothing about. I'm getting sick again, too. I'm nauseous. I can barely eat, and my side is starting to hurt again. I feel really sick. I don't know what I'm going to do. *sigh*

Maybe I should have taken a semester off. *sigh*
