"It is very easy to say that the important thing is to try your best, but if you are in real trouble the most important thing is not trying your best, but getting to safety."
Hello everyone. ^_^ I had a swim meet this morning... had to be there at 7.
I barely got any sleep last night... DX I came in 8th in my freestyle and 4th in backstroke. XD Weeeelllll... at least I improved my times... I got almost 2 seconds better than last year's best score... so that's good!! ^_^
Yesterday was my grandma's birthday, so my mom, brother, and I went out for lunch with her, my aunt, my uncle, and my cousin. We went to this little tiny Italian place. It was sooooo good. X3 I got a sandwich called the Roma with turkey, provolone, lettuce, artichoke, and some sorta sauce. Yummy. X3 Then we went back to grandma's house and had cake that my aunt made called Mississippi mud cake. Best. Cake. EVER. It was homemade chocolate cake with marshmallow and homemade chocolate icing on top. Yummy yummy yummy yummy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! X3 And my baby cousin Siena is sooooo cute. X3 She turned 1 this March. She's just the cutest thing!!! X3
How AWESOME is this??? XD

I would SO vote for Edward for president. XD XD If I were 18. And if he existed. And if he would actually run for president. Seriously, though... he'd totally win. XD XD XD
Ummmm... not much else to say. *sigh* Bye-bye!!!!!!
Still no book, sooo... another random Internet quote!! ^_^
"I know it hurts. But it's life, and it's real. And sometimes it freaking hurts, but it's life, and it's pretty much all we got."
Played the first game in my basketball tournament tonight... it sucked. >_< We lost... 66 to 12.
And there's this one girl on my team... let's call her H... she gets on my nerves SO MUCH!!!!!! D:< All she does is screech at us what to do, and then she doesn't even do her part right!! And she gets so pissed off at us for the tiniest things!!!!! GAAAH!!! DX
I have more sunburn... T.T I forgot to put suntan lotion on, and we went to the beach. I fell asleep... I'm sure you get the picture. T.T So listen to this, folks: WEAR SUNSCREEN. JUST WEAR IT.
Yesterday was my little brother's birthday... He's 13 now... NOOO!!! HE CAN'T BE THIRTEEN ALREADY!!!!!!! That makes me feel old... T.T Even though I'm only 15... DX But still!! MY LITTLE BROTHER CAN'T BE A TEENAGER ALREADY!!!! IT'S NOT POSSIBLE!!!!!! >_<
It's senior week here at the beach... And these seniors are VERY annoying. >_< My mom took my brother to meet halfway with my dad so that he could make his swim meet tomorrow morning... My dad stayed at home cuz he had to work... So it'll just be me and my mom here at the beach. Anyways, so, I didn't wanna go with them, so I took the bus back to the condo. BIG MISTAKE. I had about an inch of space around me, and all these seniors were talking on cell phones and being crazy and annoying and this one guy was taking up three seats so I had to stand up. I almost wish I'd walked those 49 blocks back to the condo. >_<
So... yeah, since my mom went to drop my brother off with my dad, I'm left to fend for myself for dinner. And I'm still not hungry and it's 9 o'clock. *sigh* I'm a weird kid. XD
I found this website called BiteFight... it's fun. ^_^ You get to be a vampire or werewolf and attack the opposite species or humans or demons. I'm a vampire... mwa-ha-ha-ha... >:D There's a link up in the intro *points up* which you can click in order to let me "bite" you and you can become a vampire... and I get blood and gold. >:D But you can't become a werewolf from that link. Sooo, if you wanna be a werewolf, just go to www.BiteFight.org and register. ^_^ It's a pretty cool site. And they have a forum as well, and that's fun. I've joined a role playing thread... I've discovered a great love for role playing. XD XD XD
Sooo... that's it. ^_^ Bye-bye!!! *hugs*
No Lemony Snicket quote today... cuz I don't have my little book. T.T So, here's a random quote I found on the Internet: "Here's a bumper sticker I'd like to see: 'We are the proud parents of a child whose self-esteem is sufficient that he doesn't need us promoting his minor scholastic achievements on the back of our car.'"
Sooo, hiya peoples!! ^_^ What's up? I went to Hershey Park on Monday with my freshman class... that was sooo much fun!!! X3 'Cept... I got sunburn on my shoulders and my neck, and a little on my face too... And now it makes it feel like I have a fever.
Ya know, you feel all hot, but then you get chills? It sucks. >_<
But anyways, Hershey Park!! ^_^ Fun fun fun. X3 I went on lotsa rides... Mostly water rides and roller coasters. XD It was sooo hot. It was from 95-100 degrees, and felt even hotter because of the humidity. I swear, I think I spent 20 bucks on water alone!! DX And water there is not cheap... they charge $3 for a normal-sized water bottle that you could get for a dollar anywhere else. -_- Darn ripoff artists. I also bought a lot of candy... X3 Reese's Pieces and Hersey bars and Reeses crunch bars and white chocolate Reese's cups and other stuffs... X3 Yummy. I also bought one of those key chains with a picture of us on the log flume ride... XD We were making "grrr!!!" faces at the camera. XD It's sooo funny. And I'm sitting in the back, and I was gonna reach my arms up, but then it felt like I was gonna fly up into the air, so I put my arms down, and then the camera snapped the picture. So my arms are kinda stretched out in front of me, and it looks like I'm an evil demon thing about to attack the girls in front of me. XD XD XD
So yeah, fun day. ^_^
I got the grades to all my finals!! I got A's on them all!!! I'm so happppyyyyyyy!!!!! :D And all of my final year-end grades are A's as well... 'cept for human geo. -_- Cuz that teacher refuses to give out A's. T.T
And I still have to wait until the end of July to get my AP test score for human geo... I can't wait that long!!!!!! DX
Lately, I haven't been that hungry... It's strange, because I'm ALWAYS hungry. XD On Sunday we had my brother's birthday party, I didn't eat anything until around 3:30 (granted, I woke up at, like, noon, but still), and even then I only had two sandwiches and two deviled eggs and a piece of cake the entire rest of the day... and today I had two pieces of toast, an ice cream cone, a piece of bruschetta, and two pieces of pizza... oh, and those pieces of pizza are, like, 2-by-2 squares cuz the place we got it from cuts it weird... -_- And I got up at 8:30 and I'm still not hungry now at 11:30. And the whole days I never ate because I was hungry, I ate because it was breakfast time or dinner time... or because there was ice cream. It's really weird!!! >_<
I am currently at the beach... I have a basketball tournament here starting Friday. I have internet!!! Yayz!!! :D
Soooo... I don't have much else to say now. -_- Bye-bye!!! ^_^ *hugs*
"Having an aura of menace is like having a pet weasel, because you rarely meet someone who has one, and when you do it makes you want to hide under the coffee table."
So... uh... anyone have a pet weasel..? 
Sooo... whazzup? XD I have exams starting Wednesday....
Noooo!!!! DX But, on the bright side, Friday is my last day!!! ^_^ Huzzah!!!
In morality today, my teacher brought us to the cafeteria to buy food as a treat. I wanted a chocolate chip muffin. I REALLY wanted a chocolate chip muffin. I reached for a chocolate muffin. Just as I was about to take one, the lunch lady took them away and replaced them with lunch food. I was like, "...Muffin..!
Okay, so, ever since reading Twilight and the other books, I have been OBSESSED with vampires. I've been drawing vampires all the time.. even in my math notes. I can't WAIT until December 12 so I can see Twilight the moviiieeeee!!!!!!! 
Oh yeah. I take math notes in a notebook now, cuz my computer can't go into tablet mode anymore. The hinge broke. So I now hold my computer up with... string. -_- Yes, string.
I have swim practice starting tomorrow. Actually, it started today, but uh... I couldn't go. Basketball. -_- Let's see all the sports/exercise I'm doing this summer...
- AAU basketball(tuesdays and thursdays, plus tournaments many weekends)
- Basketall conditioning (mondays and wednesdays)
- Swim team (practice every day, meets saturdays and wednesdays)
- Exercising at the Arena Club (at least once a week)
Uh... wow.
I'm gonna lose, like... two pants sizes. XD I hope not... A size 4 for my height would look like a toothpick. XD
I don't really have much to talk about today... it's 11:10 pm and I should go to bed. XD
Next Monday I get to go to Hershey Paaaark!! X3 Hurraaaaayyyy!!!! X3 My freshman class is going for the day. Can't waaaaiiitt!!!!!!!! ^_^
So, when do you all get out of school? June 6th for me...
Have a great daaaaaay!!!!!!!!! ^_^ *huggles*
"The trouble with doing something suspicious for a living is that your coworkers will likely be suspicious, too, and you will find yourself entangled in a web of suspicion, even during your lunch hour."
I'M NOT DEAD!!!!!!!!!! 8D I keep putting off posting...
How long has it been since I last posted? Like, 2 months???
I'm sorry!!!!!!! 
Tonight my aunt and uncle and 3 cousins are coming from Tennessee to visit!!!!!!!! X3 I can't waaaaaaaiiiittt!!!!!!!!
I don't get to see the til tomorrow, tho, cuz they don't come till late.
I took my AP test on Friday... *shudders* AP human geography. Hard. Very, very hard.
And I don't get my result till JULY!!!!!!!!!!
Why must they torture us so?????? They have to send our tests away to TEXAS to be graded by PROFESSIONAL GRADERS. Gaaaaah!!!!!!!
I want it NOW!!!!!
... On the bright side, I now have all my grades in for human geo and there are NO MORE TESTS!!!!!!!! 
This Saturday I get to go canoeing w/ my human geo class... that should be lotsa fun. ^_^ We're canoeing on moving water... Oooooo...
I'll probably fall in. XD And then we're going to my teacher's house for a bbq... apparently his wife makes very good strawberry shortcake. *shrugs* XD
And then later on Saturday I'm going to my Poppop's surprise b-day party!!!! :D Yaaay!!!!!! X3 Cake and food galore!!! XD
No school Monday!!!!!! Yesssss!!!!! XD Yay for Memorial Day!!! ^_^ And I had a 2 hour early dismissal today... >w<
I've read all the Twilight books. Amazingest. Books. EVER.

He is... well, amazing!!!!!!!! XD Lucky Bella. 
I recently watched the movies Willow, City of Angels, and My Best Friend's Wedding. Good movies all around. ^_^ Willow is a fantasy about a dwarf (they had a special name for their race, but I forget. >_w