"As I'm sure you know, the key to good eavesdropping is not getting caught."
Mwa-ha-ha.... >:3
Hello everybody!!!! ^_^ What's up??? I haven't posted in like... a while. XD So what has happened since I last posted...? *thinks* Well... I got a human geo assignment back!!!! And I got a 90!!!!! WOOOOO!!!!!!! 8D That made me very happy. Now my average for that class is an 88. Yessss!!!!!! X3 For an AP class, I consider that very good. XD
Oh oh oh!!!! Yesterday I went to Body World at the Science Center!!!!!!! It was SOOOOOOOOO much fun!!!!!!!!!!!! They plaster-ize real bodies... which seems kinda disgusting, but they don't actually look real. But it was REALLY cool. They had brains and all the organs and stuff. There was also a human development wing, in which they had unborn babies. That made me want to cry.
Then we went to U23D. Which was SOOO COOOOLL!!!!!!!! Ya know the band U2? It was one of their concerts on the Imax screen, in 3D!!!!!!!!!!! It was sooo cool!!!!!!
The rest of the Science Center was awesome, too. I've never had a chance to go before. My brother went for his birthday one year, and I REALLY wanted to go too, but nooooo. He wouldn't let me go. T.T Anyways, they had all this really cool stuff. There were these metal bars, and some were cold, some were warm. And you put your hand on the spot where the cross, and it's hot!!! That was so cool. And there was this dinosaur thing, and there were dinosaur footprints!!! XD And we sat in them. Oh, and there were these seats that you sit in and then pull the ropes to pull yourself up. That was so much fun!!! XD And there was this harp that had no strings, but when you wave your hand where the strings would be, it plays music!!!! Oh, and my librarian (who was my chaperon) did this static electricity thing, and her hair was standing straight up!!!! XD I took a picture of her. And this one kid, Dan, said that we're gonna blow the pic up and put it on the library wall. XD XD XD And there was also a lizard thing. It was HUGE. And it liked me and Meg. XD It was trying to scratch through its tank towards us. XD The employee guy who was standing there said that in warmer weather they take him for walks. XD
Hmm... what else was there...? We didn't have that much time to look around the actual science center, because we were mainly there for Body World and the U23D thing. The only thing I didn't like was the cafe. I got a salad and a water bottle, and it cost me $10.50. What a ripoff. -_- And they didn't even have any hot food!!! I wanted pizza soooo bad. T.T But salad is healthier, so I guess it worked out. Even though it cost me $10.50 for water and salad. D:<
In the gift shop, I bought a shiny rock. XD It was a rock that had been smashed open, and there were amethysts inside it. So preeettttyyy and shiiiinnnyyyy.... @_@ And I also bought a necklace with some sort of gem on it and a ring with a rock on it. Meg bought freeze-dried ice cream!!!!! XD That stuff is so good. XD
And when I got home I was sooo tired.
OH, have I told you guys yet about what my morality teacher said to do if someone breaks into your house and points a gun at you? Apparently, you're supposed to offer them dinner. -_- Yeaaahhh... that'll work wonders.
Lessee.. oh!! Today is my cousins' birthday. The twins are turning four!!!! FOUR!!!! They grow up so fast!!!! T^T Oh, and next week I get to go see them in Tenessee!!!!!!!!!! Yay!!!!!! I'm so excited. X3 I haven't seen them or their brother or my aunt and uncle since June. I miss them all so much. T.T
I'm listening to the Beauty and the Beast soundtrack right now. The song playing at the moment is "If I Can't Love Her," sung by the Beast. He sounds really emo. -_-
Uhh... nothing much else to say. Question time!!!! ^_^
1. Have you ever been to the Science Center or something like it? (Yup!!)
2. Do you like Nutella? (NUTELLA???? WHERE????? 8D GIMME!!!!)
3. "Et tu, Brute?" Who knows what that means and where it's from? (I do!!!! It means "And you, Brutus?" and it's from the play Julius Caesar by Shakespeare. Yup.)
Bye-bye!!!! ^_^ *hugs*