PeaceMaker 1 & 2

i went to books-a-million this weekend while i was in Charleston, and i was got two new Manga. Peacemaker 1 & 2. I've read them both and find that i love them. Ichimura Tetsunosuke is so adorable. I did get a little confused in some spots of both manga, but then it all became clear again. I can't wait to get the 3rd book.

I find it hard to believe that i actually liked it b/c its not really the type of manga i read, but i also liked Black Cat, ALOT, and thats not the type i usually read either.

My favorite characters in Peacemaker were Ichimura Tetsunosuke, of course, and Okita Soji. I really like Okita Soji because he looks like a girl, and he is always carrying around the little piggy, Saizo. Saya was also a character i really liked, she has huge adorable eyes.

i must watch the Anime now. ^.^
