

Night was passed out cold.

In his own mind he was dreaming of women and rum, a celebration back home to welcome him back from his great journey. There was a beautiful woman with exotic pink eyes and blonde hair. He was drawn to her and felt the need to be close to her.

Night groaned a loud and turned his head to face the other direction in his zombie state. He rubbed his carved chest with one hand and fell silent once more.

My Little Po~ny

Elizabeth woke up somewhat. She rolled over a bit to face Night, hoping that would put her back to sleep. After lying there for 5 minutes trying to figure out why she could go to sleep, she realized a soft voice had been singing the entire time. And she could swear she smell... chocolate? She sniffed a few times to make sure she was really smelling it.

She lifted her head up to look over the protective body of Night. There was... something pink... getting closer and closer to them. And it seemed as if was producing the soft singing.

Squinting her eyes a little to see better in the dark, she could make out dark green hair flowing from the creature's hair. It had large eyes that seemed to shine with the moonlight. Extremely curious, she started to nudge Night on the arm, trying to wake him.

Sweet Dreams

Night was still in his own mind with Elizabeth finally came to settle down for bed. He was remembering his ship, his men and how the sea swept them all away. He realized how mortal he was and that Life was precious... Elizabeth kept tossing and turning with discomfort he supposed. Seems that she wasn’t having an easy time sleeping either and he tried to stay as still as possible as not to disturb her further.

She finally laid her head upon him and snuggled to his surprise. He didn’t think she would be so affectionate to him… he wasn’t sure what to think about it. All he knew was that he would protect her and make sure, somehow, that they would survive. Whether it be on or off this island, he wasn’t sure but he wouldn’t let anything happen to the wee one.

Night was starting to drift off to sleep at what would be about midnight, assuming the moons position was still that of normal. His eyes were heavy and his head hung to the side. As he drifted away he could smell a sweet fragrance, something to the effect of strawberries or sugar. His body was too heavy to be deterred from sleep for such a passing thought but in his fading state he swore that he could hear a faint and beautiful voice. Night’s eyes closed and he slept heavily…

Sleepy sleep

Letting out a long yawn, Elizabeth sleepily rolled over. She looked at Night for a few moments. She wiggled about trying to get comfy but Night was just so large of a guy. After a few more minutes of being uncomfortable she got smacked in the head with an idea. Trying to be discreet, she inched slowly ocloser towards night and got right next to his shoulder. Then she wormed her way between his neck and shoulder and curled up, finally comfy.

Yawning again, her eyes started to ease shut. She drifted of into sleep within a matter of seconds, clutching onto Night's shoulder and she curled up closer to him.

Greater in Size (LMAO)

Night looks at the young girl with amazement. He wonders how she can have that much energy after such a rough storm. He lifts a brow and shakes his head once more. He lets her run off as he gets to the dirty work. He finds some materials, fairly dry, for starting a fire. After getting the fire roaring and big enough to last, the night begins to creep in just like the rolling storms had fallen out of sight. He takes most of his clothes off and sets them along a line to dry in the night air. His manly muscles still glistened from the wet clothes, the fire’s light reflecting off of his skin. He wasn’t trying to impress anyone but himself, he was man and he felt good.

((LMAO, sorry!! Can’t keep a straight face with that one!!))

He gathered some large leaves and made a bed for the both of them. He knew she might not be comfortable with it but he dare not stray too far to gather more supplies. It would have to wait until morning when the sun rose so that he could complete all that was to do on his list. He sadly felt that they would be here for a very long time. It was rare that anyone came to this island and ever rarer that they get close enough to rescue anyone. They were lost. Forever.

Night laid himself down upon the leafy bed, taking up much of the room with his broad chest and length. He tried to stay close to the edge so that Liz wouldn’t feel uncomfortable but alas, he was a man of great size. He stretched his arms above his head and scanned the night skies for star maps. If he couldn’t get off this damned island he would very well know what day and time is was. He recalled the maps upon his ship, where they had plotted to go and the heading they had. He guessed that because of this islands mystery, that things could change… much like the Bermuda triangle.