Night was still in his own mind with Elizabeth finally came to settle down for bed. He was remembering his ship, his men and how the sea swept them all away. He realized how mortal he was and that Life was precious... Elizabeth kept tossing and turning with discomfort he supposed. Seems that she wasn’t having an easy time sleeping either and he tried to stay as still as possible as not to disturb her further.
She finally laid her head upon him and snuggled to his surprise. He didn’t think she would be so affectionate to him… he wasn’t sure what to think about it. All he knew was that he would protect her and make sure, somehow, that they would survive. Whether it be on or off this island, he wasn’t sure but he wouldn’t let anything happen to the wee one.
Night was starting to drift off to sleep at what would be about midnight, assuming the moons position was still that of normal. His eyes were heavy and his head hung to the side. As he drifted away he could smell a sweet fragrance, something to the effect of strawberries or sugar. His body was too heavy to be deterred from sleep for such a passing thought but in his fading state he swore that he could hear a faint and beautiful voice. Night’s eyes closed and he slept heavily…