Night watched Lizzy chow down on her piece of fruit. He smiled at her and was amused by Meeko’s antics. He still wasn’t quite sure about the creature but it didn’t seem any harm. He knew that in his heart... if for any reason that creature was to harm her he would destroy it right then and there. This of course would make Lizzy upset but he wouldn’t have her harmed by any such thing on this island. Who knows what could happen to her with all of the strange anomalies on this rock. Who knew what Night would do if he didn’t have her by his side... he shook his head and wrung the thought from his mind. He turned to look at her once more and realized she was far behind him. Had he kept walking without her? He looked at her with slight confusion in his face, wondering how he’d not been paying attention and why on earth she’d stopped.
“How’d you get so far ahead of me, Night?” She asked. Night looked at her and blinked a few times, wondering the same thing himself. "Guess I was standing there a while, huh? I'm sorry if I was... It’s just the trees look so amazing right now." Lizzy smiled and amused herself with Meeko’s reaction to how he scratched his head. Night watched her a moment and then motioned for her to catch up. Lizzy giggled and came trotting up next to him. She walked along side of him but continued to stare in wonder at all of the buzzing nature around her. He stole glances of her here and there, happily watching her facial expressions and trying to pretend his heart didn’t swell each time her face lit up. He wanted to smack himself and wake up from this dream... or nightmare... No, it had to be a dream if anything at all. How could a nightmare bare such a blessing as Elizabeth? His mind wondered off again but he refused to lose sight of her this time.
He felt that he needed to purge his mind of all of these thoughts. Why was she so captivating? Why did he gravitate towards her? She plagued his mind but in the most delicious way and he fought so hard to keep his hands to himself. He felt it wrong in this situation to be the way he was before he had stepped foot on this island. Perhaps, it was being here that had led him to shift in his personality? He wasn’t sure but he knew that Lizzy was all he had right now and he would treat her with respect and wait for her. Night looked down at her one more time. This time, he had caught her looking at him lost in her thoughts. She realized he was looking down at her and her cheeks flashed with heat. She giggled to play it off and smiled, turning away to pet Meeko and hide her embarrassment. He smiled at her and pet Meeko with a finger. He hadn’t realized how much pressure he’d applied and Meeko almost lost balance. They all laughed and walked a bit further until there was a clearing up ahead.