"Of course you can! Everything in this room is eatable, even *I'm* eatable! But that is called "cannibalism," my dear children, and is in fact frowned upon in most societies." -Willy Wonka.
- Created By Hiko
Hi guys!
MEME TIME! 1. What is your earliest childhood memory? Back in my shaq(<--see what I did thur?) of a house all 4 boys would sleep in one room. When we got bored we would push the bunk bed back from t...I'm sorry, its the end.
I love you all.
I miss you all.
But I'm sorry but I have to do this. I've been here for so long and made so many memories, learned so many new things, and earned so many friends!
So this post is dedicated to everyone, my friends, enemies and people I don't even know.
So anyway my life has been pretty good, not too eventful, but good, how have you guys been? what would you like to know about me? do you guys want me to start coming around here more?
So I have a picture to show you! Dont tell julien. >:(
awh dont we look sooo cute??
Life goes on for me, struggling to keep one of my jobs, and then the other is getting stressful but I cant wait for my second year of college because thats when I move down to georgia!!
Question of the Day!
What was the happiest moment of your life?
No not really, but I'd imagine she could if she felt the need. >>'
Well lets talk about whats been going on since the last time I had a real post. Wow the last time I had an actual post was waaaay back in August. Time sure passes you by when you are on an ADHD rant and don't pay attention to really anything. I feel as though you guys are judging me for my amazing english writing skills ><
I Hate English.
School's been alright, but a few interesting things have happened this school year. Let me tell you a looong and detailed story
1. Saw this guy in school
2. Thought he was dead sexy
3. BTW this is sixth grade
4. Had a crush on this kid since sixth grade to about 10th grade
5. This is is the most popular kid in school at the time.
6. Now I have a boyfriend
7. The kid who I had a crush on is now my friend
8. Weird things happen like that
9. Btw I was freaking obsessed with this kid to where I'd steal his paper from him to look at his hand writing and know more things about him. I even made a fake myspace to be his friend because I was too shy to add him on my real account.
11. Yeah I was obsessed.
12. Now we are friends lol and I just dont look at him the same way
13. Did you notice I didnt have a number 10?
14. Did you look?
16. dont you hate those things that do that to you?
17. I didnt have a number 15 either
lolz anyway enough of that.
Sometimes I really think that I should plan this out of what I am going to talk about. Make it more organized for everyone to read or something.
Going back a long time ago... in a galaxy right next to ours...
I remember I had a layout with MyOtaku and it was green and had...well I just went back and found it and this is my old layoutCLICKYCLICKYCLICKYI'MHOTCLICKYCLICKY.
I dunno how that popped in but it did and you could just deal with it! >:O
I've been finding it harder and harder to focus on graphics of any kind. I really don't photoshop anymore. Its sad, I love making graphics even the ones that suck, because I think that every time I make something I learn something new. I dunno if I lost interest or if its motivation. The same goes with my piano playing. I honestly want to quit but if I quit then I'll probably never pick it up again. I'm not saying I don't love playing the piano I just lost interest or motivation to do it and to practice. I really love piano music and listening to it. ugh I honestly don't even know what to think about these two things. you guys are the first I've told too.
Anyway thats really it for today.
Question of the Post:
What do you want to do for a career?
Picture of the Post
[yeah it took me to get what she was doing here lolz]
Btw guess how long I've been a member here!
I less than three you guys!
but omg has it been a long time huh?
yeah the reason I'm almost never around is still my boyfriend, we are going on ONE YEAR =DDD
but yeah I love him so much ^^
I miss this place but I'm busy with bunch of stuff, mainly just lazyness though
but tell me about you guys and how you've been!
I miss you guys!